Supplier Information

“Designed to be better”

That is Legrand’s promise to our customers. Thousands of customers choose our products for their design and 100% quality. Achieving these results always require a stronger execution of our Supply Chain. Being a supplier, you play a vital role in our Supply Chain. We expect you to understand our requirements, policies and standards for achieving better results. We depend on you and your products for building success stories with our customers.


Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

Legrand | AV has aligned the purchase order terms and conditions for our Chief, Da-Lite, Middle Atlantic Products, Sanus and Vaddio brands. Please take a moment to review them.

View PO Terms & Conditions



If you have any questions, please contact your local buyer as indicated on our purchase orders. Your local buyer can also help you obtain the latest version of any specification document that is reference on our purchase orders.