RackLink™ Remote Power Management

RackLink™ - The Industry's Premier Remote Power Management System

Intelligent power solutions for remote power management are not created equal. The features, the circuitry, the security, the user interfaces and the form factors become key in selecting the platform that meets your AV system needs for remote management. Middle Atlantic was one of the first movers in this space - launching its first generation of RackLink in 2011 – and has continued to be a pioneer in creating products to support the evolving needs of our customers when it comes to remote management of AV systems for applications like; corporate conferencing, higher education and digital signage.

Middle Atlantic offers a range of power distribution units (PDUs) with RackLink that have varying features to support all your applications. From individual outlet control and monitoring to environmental monitoring and data logging. Need enterprise level network security to connect to your client’s network? We have the industry’s most robust network security in our Premium+ PDU.

Explore the features & capabilities of RackLink below or download our Selection Guide to compare all key features and choose the right PDU with RackLink for your AV system.

System Control

It’s no secret digital devices freeze. So often the solution is simply a hard power reset. With RackLink™ you’re able to remotely turn an outlet on and off from your computer, mobile device, control system and cloud service. RackLink also has a feature called AutoPing. AutoPing will constantly proactively monitor the network status of connected devices and reboot them automatically if the devices no longer respond. What do the control options mean for you and your company? You don't have to worry about "rolling a truck" or the hassle with getting into buildings if visitors are restricted or limited for simple equipment fixes. RackLink’s open API and partnership integrations provide out of the box compatibility with control systems and cloud services for proactive system management to easily include in your AVaaS offering to clients.

Logging and Data Management

The saying goes, "you can't have an AV system without power." Consider the power as the nervous system your AV system. To keep the nervous system healthy you want to be able to continuously monitor and log what is going on. RacLink™ allows for continuous monitoring and logging of all power and environmental events within your system and will even let you know if things don't seem right via text or email alerts.

Environmental Control

The longevity of your AV System so often hinges on elements outside of your control – heat & humidity. The Premium+ PDU has an accessory sensor option that monitors temperature and humidity, connect up to 32 sensors to monitor temperature and humidity throughout the entire system, big or small. Proactive alerts give you the control of what’s going on with your system and solve the issue before the equipment fails


AV systems need to be protected from events like surges to ensure system uptime and keeping equipment safe. Power events go beyond surges however, events like overvoltage and undervoltage can be just as damaging to equipment. Premium+ PDUs with RackLink are available with either 2-stage MOV surge protection or patented Series Protection™ and Select PDUs with RackLink are available with Basic MOV surge protection.

RackLink Now Has Cloud

Experience the newest option to monitor and manage your Premium+ PDUs and NEXSYS UPSs without the need for additional network devices. For devices already installed around the world, simply update the firmware to add RackLink Cloud capabilities directly into the Premium+ PDUs and NEXSYS UPSs.

Get a live demo of RackLink™ and learn how you can start remotely managing your AV systems.

RackLink™ Partnerships


Control RackLink™ PDUs with your Crestron® Control Systems via our free Crestron® Certified Module.

Crestron® Certified Modules available for Premium+ and Select Series PDUs with RackLink™.

AVI-SPL Symphony

Find our RackLink™ enabled power products in the Symphony Adapter Marketplace and control/monitor your AV systems’ power via the Symphony platform.

AMX® by Harman

Control RackLink™ PDUs with your AMX®Control Systems via our free AMX®Module.

AMX®Modules available for Premium+ and Select Series PDUs with RackLink™.


Control RackLink™ PDUs with your Q-SYS™ Ecosystem by downloading the plugin through the Q-SYS Designer Asset Manager.

Control Concepts Supported Product

Have the confidence that our modules and plug-ins are developed and backed by Control Concepts, the premier software developer for the AV industry.

HETMA Approved

This certification recognizes these products' outstanding quality, reliability, and ability to enhance technology integration in higher education environments.

Get Intelligent Power Where You Need It

Download the RackLink™ Selection Guide



The 1RU horizontal PDU is our most traditional form factor providing regular visibility to outlet status and diagnostic screens for maximum accessibility.



You no longer need to occupy an RU to provide intelligent power throughout your AV System. Vertical PDUs with RackLink™ deliver outlets where you need them – top to bottom.



Get intelligence where you need it most in our compact, zero RU unit. Perfect for dense systems or where space is a premium like behind digital signage or within lecterns.

Explore PDUs and UPSs With RackLink™


Select Series

Select PDUs provide basic remote power management features in all form factors (horizontal, vertical & compact) for connected AV systems where individual outlet control, autoping and proactive notifications are desired.

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Premium+ Series

Premium+ PDUs provide the most robust remote power management features for connected AV systems where individual outlet control/logging, enterprise level network security, environmental monitoring, data logging and proactive notifications are desired.

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The NEXSYS UPSs are RackLink compatible for remote monitoring and management and some are compatible right out of the box! Look for RLNK in the part number.

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Epi 13: What is Remote Power Management? - Between Two Racks (@Home) 


Premium PDU with RackLink How to Check Your Outlet and Inlet History


Select Series PDU with RackLink


RackLink™ The Remote Control for Your AV Systems
