Easy Setup Guides for Video Conferencing & Live Streaming
Take a look at our new guide book to explore AV solutions for healthcare, education, corporate, houses of worship and government applications.
This guide book contains a set of 11 different room diagrams for telemedicine, distance learning, lecture capture, houses of worship, virtual courtrooms and work from home solutions. Each room setup diagram has a list of product names, and cabling and connectivity information as well. Each room diagram also has a link for a downloadable bill of materials with part numbers and MSRP pricing information for easy ordering. Legrand | AV is committed to solutions that connect doctor to patient, teacher to student, colleague to colleague. Explore our solutions to maintain the most vital connections today and every day. Streaming Cart Solution Provide mobility with a cart and one-camera streaming solution for church services, telemedicine, distance learning and remote offices. Video Conferencing from Anywhere This one-camera solution allows for high quality video and audio for the perfect video conferencing setup. Corporate Solutions A global pandemic has forced many businesses to work from home for the health and safety of their employees. While this is an adjustment for everyone, AV equipment can help make the transition a little easier. Using remote conferencing equipment can keep your workflow uninterrupted and bring a sense of normalcy to your new working environment. Education Solutions With most schools and campuses closed, many educators and students are experimenting with distance learning for the first time. AV equipment can assist in this transition in a few different ways: it can help upgrade lectures from a static view to a dynamic experience that keeps students more fully engaged, lectures can be recorded for easy playback and viewing, and it helps students continue learning during a stressful time. Houses of Worship Solutions Faith is more important than ever, and even in the face of a pandemic, houses of worship are still finding ways to keep connecting. With multiple ways to record, live stream, and distribute sermons, our AV solutions will ensure communities can still come together to keep worshiping. Legrand | AV offers multiple solutions for houses of worship of various sizes, from small congregations to massive mega churches. Healthcare Solutions Telemedicine equipment is vital for healthcare workers who are working tirelessly to protect the most vulnerable. With recent expansion of telehealth laws and regulations, many healthcare workers are looking for ways to improve or create these telehealth services. Legrand | AV offers several solutions to keep healthcare workers and patients connected and safe from the spread of disease during this global pandemic. Virtual Courtroom Solutions With many courtrooms physically shut down for the foreseeable future, the need for virtual courtrooms has become increasingly necessary to keep legal professionals and the courts connected. This includes state, city and local jurisdictions as well as family law and other forms of litigation. Legrand | AV offers a mobile cart solution that can serve courts of various sizes and help restore a sense of normalcy to the judiciary system.